Selasa, 31 Maret 2015


Bioluminescence is light produced by a chemical reactionwithin a living organism. Bioluminescence is a type ofchemiluminescence, which is simply the term for a chemical reaction where light is produced. (Bioluminescence is chemiluminescence that takes place inside a living organism.)

The principal chemical reaction in bioluminescence involves the light-emitting pigment luciferin and the enzyme llucifrase, assisted by other proteins such as aequorin in some species. The enzyme catalyzes the oxidation of luciferin. In some species, the type of luciferin requires cofactossuch as calcium or magnesium ions, and sometimes also the energy-carrying molecule adenecin triphospat (ATP). In evolution, luciferins vary little: one in particular, coleanterazin is found in nine different animal (pyla), though in some of these, the animals obtain it through their diet. Conversely, luciferases vary widely in different species. Bioluminescence has arisen over forty times in evolutionary history

.Bioluminescent dinoflagellate ecosystems are rare, mostly forming in warm-water lagoons with narrow openings to the open sea. Bioluminescent dinoflagellates gather in these lagoons or bays, and the narrow opening prevents them from escaping. The whole lagoon can be illuminated at night. Biologists identified a new bioluminescent dinoflagellate ecosystem in the Humacao Natural Reserve, Puerto Rico, in 2010.

Biologists and engineers are studying the chemicals andcircumstances involved in bioluminescence to understand how people can use the process to make life easier and safer.
 Green fluorescent protein (GFP), for instance, is a valuable "reporter gene." Reporter genes are chemicals (genes) that biologists attach to other genes they are studying. GFP reporter genes are easily identified and measured, usually by their fluorescence. This allows scientists to trace and monitor the activity of the studied gene—its expression in a cell, or its interaction with other chemicals.

Other uses are more experimental. Bioluminescent trees, for instance, could help light city streets and highways. This would reduce the need for electricity. Bioluminescent crops and other plants could luminesce when they needed water or other nutrients, or when they were ready to be harvested. This would reduce costs for farmers and agribusiness.

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